Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Welcome Aiden!!!

We are so excited and blessed to announce that our son Aiden Michael Wells was born on September 9, 2015 at 4:10pm.  He weighed in at 6 pounds 2 ounces and was 19.5".  He is absolutely perfect!!!  And we are so in love with him.

Connor is doing an amazing job at being a big brother.  He loves Aiden so much.  He is very caring and loves to hold him and give him lots of kisses.  They already have an unbreakable bond and I am so excited to watch them grow up together.

Aiden was born 10 days early.  I had a scheduled doctor's appointment on Tuesday, September 8th and the doctor let me know that I had signs of preeclampsia and decided that I needed to be induced.  We scheduled the induction for the next morning.  Knowing that I was going to be induced, I went home, finished work and then began to pack for the hospital and make arrangements for Connor for the day. 

It was very hard to sleep that night.  I kept thinking about the next day and how I finally get to meet my little boy.  I was scared and nervous and excited all at the same time.  Diana came to pick up Connor at 7:00am and Barry and I left for the hospital around 7:30am.  I got to the hospital and we started the Pitocin, waiting a few hours and they broke my water around noon and the contractions were really fast and strong after that.  Of course I requested the epidural ASAP :).  We had some problems with the epidural this time.  It did not take very well on the left side.  My right side was good and I did not feel the contractions, but I could still feel them on the left hand side.  We were about to call the anesthesiologist back to see if there was something he could do, but then we found out that Aiden was breech. BREECH!!!  Oh my!  So, my only choice was to have a C-Section.  I could not get in for a C-section for another 2 hours because the doctors were booked with them and it was not an emergency.  So, I had to feel contractions on the left side for another 2 hours :(  They finally wheeled me in for a C-section and I was so scared and nervous.  It was all happening pretty quickly and it had been a long day.  But, I had a great doctor and nurse and the let me know that they would get the baby out as soon as possible.  After they prepped me, Barry came into the room and within 2 minutes they had Aiden out.  He was crying and everything was great!!!  I felt a lot of pressure and was having a lot of pain, but it was over quickly. 

After I was done in surgery, I went to the recovery room and finally was able to hold Aiden.  I had a reaction to the spinal they gave me for the C-section and was shaking a lot, but that did not stop me from holding him.  He was absolutely perfect.  After I got to hold him for awhile, they gave him a bath and it was time to go up to my room. 

We had a lot of visitors that day and we fell more in love with Aiden.

It was a long hard day, but at the end, Aiden was here and healthy and perfect. Welcome to the family Aiden.  We love you so much!!!

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