Saturday, January 9, 2016


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!  We rang in the new year with the Shadow Hill Crew.  Lucky for us it was only 2 houses away.  The group that gets together grows and grows every year!  We made it until 9:30 then went home to celebrate :)

I can't wait to see what 2016 has in store for us!!

Ice Skating

We went ice skating for the very first time this past December.  James got his first pair of ice skates for Christmas and asked if Connor, Carson and Riley wanted to go with him to try them out.  So, we set out to Leaf's ice rink by the house for open skate.  Connor had a blast!  Barry did great too.  We will definitely be going back!!!  The kiddos were so cute on the ice.

December pictures

Here are some more pictures that were taken in December :)

Connor & Aiden

Can you tell that these 2 are brothers!?!?!  

Can they get any cuter???


This picture sums up how I feel lately!  New baby, lack of sleep and holiday''s been a blast, but I'm so very tired!!


The day after Christmas we went bowling with some family that was still in town.  We can't wait to do it again. James was so cute!  After each turn he had we would jump up and down and give high-fives to everyone. He was so excited!!

Santa came!! Christmas Day

Santa came, Santa came!!  What a GREAT Christmas we had!!  Lots of family, food, fun and memories made.  We had a great morning at home opening presents and playing with the new toys.  Connor got an Octopod and was so excited!  Santa must have known that he loves Octonauts and was a good boy all year.  We went over to Grandma and Grandpa's house around 12:00 to open more presesnts and spend the rest of the day there with many family members.  It was an amazing day.

It was so fun to see Christmas through children's eyes. Connor was totally into Christmas this year.  He asked a lot of questions, believes in Santa and his magic, appreciated every gift and brought so much happiness and love for the season.  He really had a great time and to see his excitement and pure joy was enough to fill my heart with so much joy!!  Ah, great memories made!

Thank you to everyone for a wonderful day!!