Saturday, January 9, 2016

2 Months

Aiden turned 2 months in November.  He is getting to be such a big boy.  He is still a really happy and easy going baby.  He looks a lot like his brother! He is getting stronger every day and is supporting his head more and more.  He is starting to smile at us and gives us a few laughs every now and then. 

We had his doctor's appointment and he did great...until the shots :(  He had to get 3 shots and a liquid medicine.  I have him some infant tylenol throughout the rest of the day and he slept a lot.  By the next day he was just fine and recovered from the shots.  Poor little guy! He is growing and developing just fine.  We are so blessed that he is a happy and healthy baby boy!  

We do not have to go back until he is 4 months old.

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