Saturday, January 9, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

We have so much to be blessed for this year.  We are madly in love with our new bundle of joy, Aiden.  We are very blessed with our good health, a wonderful home to live in, good food to eat, jobs to support the lifestyle we want and our love as a family. We could not ask for more.  Our kids are happy and healthy and we cannot be more thankful.

It is so much fun to get together with family to celebrate the holidays.  We are so very lucky to live by a large amount of family.  They help us out every single day. It really does take an army to raise kids.  Thank you so much for all that you do. I don't know what we would do without family around! All of the cousins LOVE hanging out and playing together.  It is so much fun to watch them grow up together.  They are going to be best friends and they are making memories that will last a lifetime.

We have been quite busy this year and have a lot of look back on and remember.  The good, the bad, the ugly and the best of times.  We finished our basement, found out we were expecting baby #2, Connor became a big brother, I became a mom of BOYS, went on vacation, got a mini van, Connor began preschool, went on many fun adventures (apple picking, pumpkin farms, etc), delivered a healthy, amazing baby boy, Aiden, celebrated birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and much much more.  What a year!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone! What a blessed year!!!

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