Wednesday, December 26, 2012

More Christmas Photos

Some more Christmas photos to enjoy (Since I took over 700 pictures!!!!) :)

I wanted to make sure I did not miss ANYTHING :)




Christmas Festivities - Part 2

Santa came, Santa came!!  He left a bag full of toys for Connor!  We were so excited to get a note from Santa himself - he enjoyed the cookies and milk we left out and the reindeer liked the food that we sprinkled on the lawn for them too! 

Connor continued to celebrate Christmas with more family on Christmas Day.  We had a nice morning with just our family (myself, Barry and Connor).  We had monkey bread for breakfast, opened presents by the tree together and then got ready to go to my parents house for Christmas Day.  When we got there, we opened gifts from my parents/sisters and then the whoel Geary family was together for the day.  It was so much fun!!! 

Thanks Mom and Dad for hosting - it was a great time!

Thank you everyone for everything!  Connor was spoiled for 3 days straight and we could not have asked for a better Christmas.

Christmas Festivities - Part 1

Connor had a GREAT 1st Christmas!  It was 3 days of non-stop Christmas Festivities.  He was one tired little boy today! 

On Christmas Eve Eve we started out by getting all of the family in town on the Geary side for some bowling at Pinstripes and then over to our house for dinner and hanging out.  It was a so much fun.  Connor was able to meet his Mommy's Cousin Ryan for the first time.  They had an instant bond and were so cute together!  Connor was really excited for the whole family to be together again!  We had a great time bowling and wanted to say a big THANK YOU again to Aunt Sandy and Uncle Jack for all of the delicious food and drinks after bowling. 

The next day was Christmas Eve and we were hosting at our house.  It was a blast!!!  We had a great time having the entire Wells/Harder family together!!!! It was a bit crazy with 7 kids opening gifts, but will be a great memory for years.  Connor was extremely spoiled and got tons of amazing and fun gifts. He kind of understood how to open the gifts - he would pull on the paper just a little bit, then liked to put the paper in his mouth.  It was very loud and Connor did not like all of the noise.  Besides that he was a great boy! 

After the Christmas Eve get together it was time to put out the Reindeer food for the reindeer and cookies and milk for Santa. 

Opening gifts with Mommy

What's in this box???

Opening gifts with Daddy

Putting out Reindeer Food

So stinkin cute!!

Christmas Photo Shoot

Before all of the festivities I was able to have a mini photoshoot with Connor by the tree.

How cute is he?!?!  I cannot believe that he is 7 months old and that he just celebrated his first Christmas.  We are so lucky!!!  He is such an amazing little boy and we cannot wait for many many many more Christmas celebrations with him.  I know that it will just get better and better.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Connor's Uncle Adam gave him a new name - Spike!  It is very fitting because his hair just sticks straight up.  It is so fine and thin right now that it does not lay flat on his head so he always has spikes.  I picked him up after work one day to find out about his nickname and loved it.


I just cannot get enough of this adorable smile :)

Connor 28 and 29 week photos

Connor is perfecting his sitting!  He is a rock star at it now.  So much that he thinks he can go from sitting to rolling over and grabbing everything in his sight.  He never stops moving unless he is sleeping - we definitely have a busy boy on our hands. 

Here are some updated pictures of his weekly photo sessions.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Things I Love

Connor smiling ALL the time.  Seriously, the kid is a smile machine.  He makes any day THE BEST day. His smile is just adorable!!! 

I also love that Connor planks when he is on his stomach!  This kid cracks me up!!

Breakfast with Santa

Connor met Santa this past weekend.  Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Jim treated us to a brunch with Santa event.  It was very nice!  All of the kids (Riley, Carson and Connor) did great with Santa.  The food was delicious too.  It was so nice and casual - you could go up and get some food and Santa was just sitting in one spot, so when we were ready we were able to go up to him at anytime.  Connor LOVED looking at him and smiling.  After he was able to take everything in, we decided it was time for him to sit on his lap - he did GREAT!  I was shocked, actually we all were shocked!

It was a great event!  Connos says Thank You Grandma and Grandpa!!!