Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Festivities - Part 1

Connor had a GREAT 1st Christmas!  It was 3 days of non-stop Christmas Festivities.  He was one tired little boy today! 

On Christmas Eve Eve we started out by getting all of the family in town on the Geary side for some bowling at Pinstripes and then over to our house for dinner and hanging out.  It was a so much fun.  Connor was able to meet his Mommy's Cousin Ryan for the first time.  They had an instant bond and were so cute together!  Connor was really excited for the whole family to be together again!  We had a great time bowling and wanted to say a big THANK YOU again to Aunt Sandy and Uncle Jack for all of the delicious food and drinks after bowling. 

The next day was Christmas Eve and we were hosting at our house.  It was a blast!!!  We had a great time having the entire Wells/Harder family together!!!! It was a bit crazy with 7 kids opening gifts, but will be a great memory for years.  Connor was extremely spoiled and got tons of amazing and fun gifts. He kind of understood how to open the gifts - he would pull on the paper just a little bit, then liked to put the paper in his mouth.  It was very loud and Connor did not like all of the noise.  Besides that he was a great boy! 

After the Christmas Eve get together it was time to put out the Reindeer food for the reindeer and cookies and milk for Santa. 

Opening gifts with Mommy

What's in this box???

Opening gifts with Daddy

Putting out Reindeer Food

So stinkin cute!!

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