Monday, December 3, 2012

Connor's 6 month Stats

Connor went to the doctor on November 28th for his 6 month check-up.  We have got one healthy little boy!  He did really well at the Doctor's office.  He did not like the nurse or the doctor very much at first but once he warmed up to them he was all smiles...until the shots.  He had to get 3 shots - poor kid!  My heart just absolutely breaks for him.  He will have to go back in January to get 1 more shot (the flu shot has to be done in 2 doses).  Then he will be done with shots for a little while.  He, unlike his cousin Carson, screams and screams after he gets his shots.  He is easy to calm down after, but I just feel so bad.  Once we got home he was all smiles again.  I gave him some baby Tylenol the rest of the day just to make sure he doesn't get  fever and is not too achy from all of the shots.  He did get some pretty cool band aids though - Avengers this time!!

Anyways, here is his stats:
Height: 27 1/4" (75th percentile)
Weight: 16 pounds 2 ounces (25th percentile)
Head Circumference: 16 1/2"

He is just absolutely perfect!  We could not be happier!

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