Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Festivities - Part 2

Santa came, Santa came!!  He left a bag full of toys for Connor!  We were so excited to get a note from Santa himself - he enjoyed the cookies and milk we left out and the reindeer liked the food that we sprinkled on the lawn for them too! 

Connor continued to celebrate Christmas with more family on Christmas Day.  We had a nice morning with just our family (myself, Barry and Connor).  We had monkey bread for breakfast, opened presents by the tree together and then got ready to go to my parents house for Christmas Day.  When we got there, we opened gifts from my parents/sisters and then the whoel Geary family was together for the day.  It was so much fun!!! 

Thanks Mom and Dad for hosting - it was a great time!

Thank you everyone for everything!  Connor was spoiled for 3 days straight and we could not have asked for a better Christmas.

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