Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sitting (in my chair)

Connor's getting very strong - he is sitting very well in his chair.  Soon he will be sitting on the floor without any help.  Where is the time going?!?!  So exciting to see him grow!

Connor's new trick

Connor has been rolling over for a little while now and he is getting very good and fast at it. 


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

4 Month Stats

Connor has his 4 month Doctor's appointment on Monday.  He did great until it was time for shots - he was not a happy camper at all.  He is getting very strong and was showing off all of his tricks to his Doctor.  We have a happy healthy little boy on our hands!

Weight: 13 pounds, 7 ounces (15th percentile)
Height: 25.5" (50th percentile)
Head: 15 3/4"

He had another round of shots (3 shots total) and had to take a liquid medicine too.  It took him a while to calm down after the shots, but he did good.  He has been pretty sleepy since the shots and have taken long naps and slept great at night last night too.  Let's hope the good sleeping continues.  I learned from last time to remember to give him tylenol right after the shots.  I think that helped a lot.  He was not nearly as fussy as the last time.  I think that the Tylenol really helped.  I kept that up every 4 hours that day. Today he is doing good - no tylenol needed.

The next milestones to look forward to is Connor sitting up, mimicking sounds (mama, dada, etc).

He is already rolling over and his neck is super strong.  He likes to sit in his chair and loves to stand (with a lot of support of course).  He's getting so big!!

Not another picture, Mom! 
(Check out his shoes - it is his first pair)

A Day at the Zoo

Connor took his first trip to the zoo this past weekend with his Cousins. He was not too impressed with the animals, but I had a lot of fun taking his picture with the animals.  He was a pretty good boy there - enjoyed some bottles, took a nap and enjoyed a dolphin show. Actually, he did not enjoy the dolphin show that much.  At the beginning of the show it got loud and he did not like that at all and started screaming so we had to take him out for a little bit.  Poor kid. 

All ready for the day at the zoo!

We made it!!


Happy Boy!

Watching the dolphins with Mommy

Exhausted after an exciting day

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

4 Months

Connor was 4 months old on September 16th - time sure if flying by fast.  He has his 4 month Doctor's appointment next Monday and will get another round of shots.  Poor guy.  He did not handle them well the first time and I'm sure he will not like them this time either.  I don't blame him at all.

He is quite the little talker these days and he is starting to "hold" his own bottle too.  He is getting stronger and stronger every day.  He is pretty much on a schedule and likes to stick to it.  He eat every 3 hours and then sleeps every 2 hours.  He does this all day until around 7:30pm or 8:00pm and then he is ready for bed.  He usually only gets up 1 time per night around 2:30am or 3:00am to eat then goes back to bed until around 7ish (let me say usually again!  haha). 

More to come on his 4 Month appointment.  He is so stinkin cute!!!

Here are some pictures from the photo shoot Connor and I had today.  I also included one of his 18 week pictures as well.  Happy 18 week Birthday, Buddy!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Good Morning!

This little guy was super chatty this morning.  He wanted to say "hi" to everyone!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

17 Weeks

Where has the time gone?  I cannot believe that Connor is 17 weeks old today.  He is finally smiling for some pictures and it just melts my heart.  He is an absolute joy and his personality is starting to really show.  He is quite the talker when he wants to be and he loves to tell us all about his day.

He is pretty much on a schedule now and loves it. He likes to be scheduled and is not a big fan or change.  But, we are working on that.  He is still pretty serious, but also like to smile a lot too. 

He has been busy exploring all of his toys now too.  He is very interested in his toys and puts everything in his mouth.  He doesn't know what to think of his exersaucer quite yet but he is getting so strong being in there and he is getting a lot stronger sitting it his little chair.  He's getting so big!!!

We are getting all set for another road trip to MN.  We leave tomorrow evening. We will be staying the night in La Crosse and then finishing the rest of the trip on Friday morning.  We hope by leaving in the evening (around Connor's bedtime) he will sleep all the way to La Crosse.  Fingers crossed!!

More about the trip to MN in the next entry. 

Have a great night!

Apple Picking

We had gorgeous weather this past weekend.  We took advantage and went to the apple orchard to go pick some apples.  This was our first family outing and we cannot wait for more.  It was pretty windy that day and Connor didn't really know what to think of that, but he was a trooper and did very well.

After apple picking we had our neighborhood block party which was a lot of fun.  Our neighborhood has a ton of kids and I know once Connor gets older he is going to just love playing with all of the other kids and there is a big park right by our house that he will enjoy and I'm sure we will spend many hours there.  Connor was so good during the block party too - it was an exhausting day.

On Sunday we made mini apple pies with some of the apples that we picked - the house smelled wonderful and just like fall.  I'm definitely ready for fall.  I love the cooler temps and being bundled in a sweatshirt and blanket, bonfires, fresh crisp air flowing through the house, the smell of yummy baking, etc.  Ah, I'm ready!

Here are some pictures from apple picking - what a blast.  This will be a fun family tradition!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sweet 16

Here's my little man at 16 weeks.

His smile just melts my heart!  He's so amazing! 
Have a GREAT day!!