Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Apple Picking

We had gorgeous weather this past weekend.  We took advantage and went to the apple orchard to go pick some apples.  This was our first family outing and we cannot wait for more.  It was pretty windy that day and Connor didn't really know what to think of that, but he was a trooper and did very well.

After apple picking we had our neighborhood block party which was a lot of fun.  Our neighborhood has a ton of kids and I know once Connor gets older he is going to just love playing with all of the other kids and there is a big park right by our house that he will enjoy and I'm sure we will spend many hours there.  Connor was so good during the block party too - it was an exhausting day.

On Sunday we made mini apple pies with some of the apples that we picked - the house smelled wonderful and just like fall.  I'm definitely ready for fall.  I love the cooler temps and being bundled in a sweatshirt and blanket, bonfires, fresh crisp air flowing through the house, the smell of yummy baking, etc.  Ah, I'm ready!

Here are some pictures from apple picking - what a blast.  This will be a fun family tradition!!

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