Tuesday, September 25, 2012

4 Month Stats

Connor has his 4 month Doctor's appointment on Monday.  He did great until it was time for shots - he was not a happy camper at all.  He is getting very strong and was showing off all of his tricks to his Doctor.  We have a happy healthy little boy on our hands!

Weight: 13 pounds, 7 ounces (15th percentile)
Height: 25.5" (50th percentile)
Head: 15 3/4"

He had another round of shots (3 shots total) and had to take a liquid medicine too.  It took him a while to calm down after the shots, but he did good.  He has been pretty sleepy since the shots and have taken long naps and slept great at night last night too.  Let's hope the good sleeping continues.  I learned from last time to remember to give him tylenol right after the shots.  I think that helped a lot.  He was not nearly as fussy as the last time.  I think that the Tylenol really helped.  I kept that up every 4 hours that day. Today he is doing good - no tylenol needed.

The next milestones to look forward to is Connor sitting up, mimicking sounds (mama, dada, etc).

He is already rolling over and his neck is super strong.  He likes to sit in his chair and loves to stand (with a lot of support of course).  He's getting so big!!

Not another picture, Mom! 
(Check out his shoes - it is his first pair)

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