Wednesday, September 19, 2012

4 Months

Connor was 4 months old on September 16th - time sure if flying by fast.  He has his 4 month Doctor's appointment next Monday and will get another round of shots.  Poor guy.  He did not handle them well the first time and I'm sure he will not like them this time either.  I don't blame him at all.

He is quite the little talker these days and he is starting to "hold" his own bottle too.  He is getting stronger and stronger every day.  He is pretty much on a schedule and likes to stick to it.  He eat every 3 hours and then sleeps every 2 hours.  He does this all day until around 7:30pm or 8:00pm and then he is ready for bed.  He usually only gets up 1 time per night around 2:30am or 3:00am to eat then goes back to bed until around 7ish (let me say usually again!  haha). 

More to come on his 4 Month appointment.  He is so stinkin cute!!!

Here are some pictures from the photo shoot Connor and I had today.  I also included one of his 18 week pictures as well.  Happy 18 week Birthday, Buddy!!

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