Wednesday, September 12, 2012

17 Weeks

Where has the time gone?  I cannot believe that Connor is 17 weeks old today.  He is finally smiling for some pictures and it just melts my heart.  He is an absolute joy and his personality is starting to really show.  He is quite the talker when he wants to be and he loves to tell us all about his day.

He is pretty much on a schedule now and loves it. He likes to be scheduled and is not a big fan or change.  But, we are working on that.  He is still pretty serious, but also like to smile a lot too. 

He has been busy exploring all of his toys now too.  He is very interested in his toys and puts everything in his mouth.  He doesn't know what to think of his exersaucer quite yet but he is getting so strong being in there and he is getting a lot stronger sitting it his little chair.  He's getting so big!!!

We are getting all set for another road trip to MN.  We leave tomorrow evening. We will be staying the night in La Crosse and then finishing the rest of the trip on Friday morning.  We hope by leaving in the evening (around Connor's bedtime) he will sleep all the way to La Crosse.  Fingers crossed!!

More about the trip to MN in the next entry. 

Have a great night!

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