Saturday, August 22, 2015

The countdown

Only 4 weeks to go until we get to meet our new little baby!!  This pregnancy has been so different from my first one. I have felt great, but the end is starting to get hard.  It is probably much harder than it should be since I'm still chasing around Connor and carrying him around.

Connor is getting excited too.  He loves to give my belly hugs and kisses.  He tells me that he loves the baby and that he is so excited to be a big brother. It melts my heart and I love hearing this! I really wonder if he knows what is coming.  I think that he will be amazing! He is such a loving and kind little boy.

We have decided to name the baby Aiden. I think that Connor will call the baby Boy Aiden!  For a long time Connor wanted a sister and was upset when we told him that it was a boy, not a girl. So, we started saying the baby boy Aiden in Mommy's tummy. He now thinks the baby is named Boy Aiden. haha.

Lots of big changes around here, but all great ones! Life is good and we are very blessed! Let the countdown begin to our new family of 4!!!!


How is it time for my little baby to go to Preschool?!?!?!  He was a champ. He did amazing and I am so proud of him. Connor is going to Westminster for preschool. He is in teh 3 year old program. He will be going on Tuesday's and Thursday's from 8:00-11:15.

He was so excited to wear his backpack and bring a snack to school. He let me take a couple of pictures before school that morning and then we drove to school and walked down to his class together. He went right into his classroom without hesitation and found the play doh table.  His teacher came over and showed him his name tag for his locker area and showed him where to hang up his backpack. He did not want to take his jacket off (he actually kept it on the entire day at preschool).

He then went back to playing and Barry and I snuck out since he was doing so good!  I went home and really didn't know what to do besides count down until I went to pick him up at 11:15.  I kept wondering how he was doing.

It was time to pick him up and he walked out of the school with his teacher and ran right to me. He said that he had a good time! His teacher Ms. Charity and Ms. Micki are amazing people and filled me in on his day.  He kept his jacket on all day, ate his snack, asked for me a couple of times but after being told that I was going to be there to pick him up he was okay, and they heard a lot of "No thank you, not right now." Connor had a hard time transitioning from activity to activity. But, overall he did great and I cannot be more proud!!!!!!  He did it!!!!

This is the first time Connor has been in any type of setting like this and I'm sure once he knows the routine he will be a lot more comfortable. We will see how the 2nd day goes :)

Way to go big boy!!!!  Momma is so proud of you!!!


Connor tried out volleyball with some neighbor kids and Carson. I'm not sure if he really got what he was supposed to do, but it was really fun to watch. Look how tiny he is compared to the other kids.

More Summer Fun!

Here are some more pics taken over the summer.  Train museum, more parks, using his imagination and building with blocks, pools, play doh, dressing up and being silly. Ah, the life of a 3 year old!!! :)

Summer Fun!

Here are some cute pics taken over the course of the summer. I love the ones of Connor and Carson playing dress up. Connor has to be the doctor and make sure that Carson was okay after he put out a fire.

We visited lots of parks, Connor played some tennis with Daddy, did arts and crafts, ate lots of ice cream and just had a great time!  The countdown to school starting has started....