Monday, August 17, 2015

Happy Easter

Happy Easter, everyone!  We had a great day!  As Connor gets older the holiday's/celebrations are getting more exciting because he gets it more and more.  He was so excited to color easter eggs this year.  He did a great job!

He also was very excited that the Easter Bunny came to our house.  He brought Connor a new bike and a basket full of goodies.  He also hid some plastic Easter eggs around the house for a little egg hunt in the morning.  He did a great job finding all of the eggs.

After a fun morning at our house it was time to go to church then over to Aunt Diana's house for lunch and hanging out.  After Aunt Diana's house we went to Aunt Terry and Uncle Jeff's to celebrate the day and enjoy a delicious dinner.

What a blessed day!  Happy Easter!!

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