Monday, August 17, 2015

Connor is 3!!

Happy 3rd birthday, Connor!  We had a great day celebrating your big day!  We woke up early and opened presents.  Your favorite was your new "jeep".  You were so excited!!  Mommy and Daddy were really excited to give it to you too!  You wanted to ride around in it all day!  You also got some new books, a baseball bat and a rescue helicopter.  You are a lucky boy!

After we opened presents it was time to go to gymnastics class and you had a great time.  We went out to lunch with Grandma to Portillo's and then home to rest.  When Daddy got home from work we went to your favorite restaurant 2Toots for dinner.

It was a great day!!  Keep on being you, Connor.  You amaze me every. single. day.  Happy birthday to my favorite 3 year old!  I love you so much!!

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