Saturday, August 22, 2015

The countdown

Only 4 weeks to go until we get to meet our new little baby!!  This pregnancy has been so different from my first one. I have felt great, but the end is starting to get hard.  It is probably much harder than it should be since I'm still chasing around Connor and carrying him around.

Connor is getting excited too.  He loves to give my belly hugs and kisses.  He tells me that he loves the baby and that he is so excited to be a big brother. It melts my heart and I love hearing this! I really wonder if he knows what is coming.  I think that he will be amazing! He is such a loving and kind little boy.

We have decided to name the baby Aiden. I think that Connor will call the baby Boy Aiden!  For a long time Connor wanted a sister and was upset when we told him that it was a boy, not a girl. So, we started saying the baby boy Aiden in Mommy's tummy. He now thinks the baby is named Boy Aiden. haha.

Lots of big changes around here, but all great ones! Life is good and we are very blessed! Let the countdown begin to our new family of 4!!!!

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