Monday, August 17, 2015

Happy 3rd Birthday

Dear Connor,

Happy 3rd Birthday!  Where did the time go?  I remember the day I brought you home.  Never did I imagine that we would be celebrating your 3rd birthday so fast.  You are an amazing little boy and I am so very proud of you. You are a very kind, caring, sensitive, determined little boy. You always know what you want and will do everything in your power to accomplish what you set out to do. You have a great imagination and your desire to learn everything and anything amazes me. You have grown up so much this past year. It has been so fun to watch you become your own person. You are still very strong willed and test me and push me to my limits every single day. There is never a dull moment around the house.

This year is going to be a huge year for you. You will begin preschool in August and become a big brother in September. I cannot wait to see you grow and learn this year.

Keep on being you. I love you so much!!


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